The human body is equipped with a vast network of processes and systems, each of which play an essential role in its ability to function. Everything from the lungs we use to breathe, to the tiny mitochondria that power our cells, each piece has a part to play and our job is to ensure they keep doing so.

And just like any working object, our body depends on fuel to maintain its operations. Sleep, water, and food are but some of our daily necessities. But is it enough?

Truth be told, no.

Ever heard of micronutrients? They are more commonly referred to as Vitamins and Minerals and are essential for proper health. The body has varying levels of micronutrient needs which, if unmet, can wreak havoc causing system-wide failures. 

Enter dietary supplements.

Supplements are a key component to bridging gaps in our lifestyle and provide our bodies with the naturally lacking nutrients that decline as we age or are dependent on other factors, such as diet, physical activity, gender, and ethnicity.

Now more than ever, consumers have become hyper-aware of what they put into their body’s no longer acceptable to consume a product without knowing that it’s optimizing our health and protecting our well-being. Let’s be honest, it never was acceptable.  

As consumers, are we asking the right questions?

The natural products market is saturated with thousands of products that make up an industry valued at $140 billion. Each day, the health-conscious consumer is being targeted on newsfeeds and social media pages by brands and influencers touting the newest discoveries and best products. How do we know which products to trust for our individual health and wellness needs? 

1. Understand ingredient bioavailability and absorption.

Medical professionals around the world tell their patients every day, “It’s not what you take, it’s what your body absorbs.” Simply put, this means that you can take a product with a key ingredient, like CBD or Omega-3 or CoQ10 or Vitamin D, but you also need to confirm that the product was formulated correctly to ensure optimized absorption and bioavailability of each ingredient. Are these ingredients moving into your bloodstream so they can function according to the health benefit in which they were formulated?  Or do they never get into your bloodstream and are just wasted after consumption? 

Unfortunately, many natural products utilize ingredients that are proven to be difficult for the body to absorb, hence one of the reasons that our bodies are lacking them in the first place. We encourage you to look for evidence that the product is formulated with a delivery system that addresses this challenge.  An example is our Health in Harmony products powered by VESIsorb®, a multi-patented delivery system with a body of supporting scientific evidence that demonstrates significantly improved absorption and bioavailability of key ingredients … in many instances, this can be more than 10 times better performance from the product.

2. Know the formulators. Experience builds trust.

We like to say that experience builds trust, especially when it comes to our health and wellness. Literally, our lives are on the line whether it’s dealing with chronic pain, lowering cholesterol levels, or optimizing our memory. We shouldn’t be expected to trust anyone just because they have a product on a shelf or an appealing website. Get to know the background of the people who formulate the products that you take. 

Trust practicing medical professionals, pharmacists, and formulation teams with a history of success in studying natural products that have been clinically proven to work. We encourage you to look for products that have been formulated by individuals or teams that have been cited in peer-reviewed journals.

3. Full traceability equals full transparency.

Each and every ingredient you consume should be able to be traced back to its origins. Sourcing ingredients is essential for all natural products, although not all ingredients are equal. As consumers, demand the following:

  • Rigorous testing for each ingredient in the product. While potency is important, third-party ingredient testing should include heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents to guarantee the highest purity.
  • Easy-to-understand labels, packaging, and supplement facts. You should not have to solve a puzzle to understand what’s in your product. If it’s confusing, you should have the right to question it.
  • Customer support to answer all questions you have regarding your personal needs around dairy, gluten, and other dietary restrictions.

In summary, as health-conscious consumers, we should be empowered to be our own wellness advocates. Natural product trust should be earned through scientific research, a credible formulation team, and real data that is published in peer-reviewed journals. Your investment in doing your homework will lead to greater health benefits as you discover products that work for you and your needs.

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